Supporting dogs and their people in living their best lives
Best Life Accessibility Fund
At Best Life Dog Services, we believe everyone should have access to support for their dog's behavior needs.
Sales from our BonFire Store support the Best Life Accessibility Fund. All proceeds go directly to the fund; please find an opportunity to include additional support upon check out.
Don't need a shirt but want to support other dog parents? Donate directly at @bestlifedogservices on Venmo. ​
We are not a non-profit and donations are not tax-deductible.
Funds are distributed based on availability to clients of Best Life Dog Services, and people of marginalized groups are prioritized.
These funds can be used for a wide array of purposes to benefit the dog's wellness, including training and behavior work, medical/veterinary support, training tools or enrichment items, sniff spots, continuing education resources, etc.
If you are in a position to support other dog parents supporting their pups, please consider purchasing a cool shirt, making a direct contribution, or spreading the word.
Could you benefit from the Best Life Accessibility Fund? Send us an email letting us know. This fund is available for existing clients and new clients to use towards an initial consult.